What I’m loving, using, doing, and reading

Week of August 10th-14th

Supplement: True Nutrition Team Skip Formula 

True Nutrition protein is the best of the best. When they say 26 g of protein is in one scoop, they mean it.

Kitchen tool: Ninja Blender

Easy clean up. Small and easy to travel with. Inexpensive too.

Podcast: Building Mental Toughness with Dr. Rob Bell

One of the best podcasts to date. Check Dr. Bell’s book Hinge on mental toughness. His #1 mental skill is confidence and #2 is the ability to re-focus. Great stuff!

Article: Negotiating with Credit Card Companies via Tim Ferriss

Eliminating debt requires consistent effort and strategy. Ramit Sehi dishes on tips and tricks to help you battle credit card companies and come out on top.

Ritual: Daily Squat and Push up ritual by T-Nation

This is a game changer. Only takes 8 minutes and leaves you feeling great. Here’s how I’ve been doing it. Rest as needed and go for 3 minutes for push ups:

  1. Plyo push ups for height x 10
  2. 1-arm push ups rt side x 10, left side x 10
  3. Conventional push ups x 30 (or more)
  4. Hindu push ups with whatever time you have left

Squats go like this:

-Bodyweight squats for 2.5 minutes

-Cossack squats for 2.5 minutes

That easy. I feel great too!


Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – Think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

Swami Vivekananda

So that’s what I’ve been up to. If you liked it comment. I’m emulating Tim Ferriss (and copying) his 5 bullet Friday. It gets me focused and if it gives people value I’m all for it. Until next week, shine your light!

Have a great weekend, enjoy your family, and smile